Sahiwal witnessed a distressing event on May 6, 2024, when Natasha, a 15-year-old student from Government High School, became the victim of an attempted kidnapping and assault. At about 1:30 PM, while waiting for a rickshaw outside her school in Farid Town, two men on a motorcycle, identified as Bilal Masih and Akram Masih, approached her.
The men attempted to force Natasha onto their motorcycle. When she resisted, the situation escalated. Bilal aggressively pulled her dupatta, causing it to come off, and then forcibly placed her on the motorcycle, while continuing to harass her. During the struggle, Natasha was stabbed with a sharp object by Bilal, resulting in injuries to her right ear, arm, and waist. Her cries for help attracted the attention of passersby, including Jevon Masih and Shafiq Masih, who intervened.
The assailants fled the scene but Bilal followed Natasha to her home, where he attempted further aggression. The timely intervention of her family and neighbours forced him to flee. Akram Masih has since taken interim bail.
An FIR has been registered at the Farid Town police station against the attackers. In a subsequent development, Bilal inflicted wounds on himself in an apparent attempt to implicate Natasha’s family.
This harrowing incident has left the community in shock, prompting an urgent appeal from Natasha's family for justice and severe penalties for the culprits, underscoring the need for enhanced safety measures for children in public spaces.