Christian Leaders Express Concern Over Political Parties' Election Manifestos Ignoring Minority Issues

Christian community leaders in Pakistan have raised concerns about the lack of attention to minority issues in the election manifestos of various political parties. Dr. Adil Ghauri, Chairman of Masihi Tehrik-e-Baidari voiced these concerns in a social media message, noting that most parties have failed to address challenges faced by religious minorities.

Dr. Ghouri emphasized the responsibility of conscious voters to question political representatives about their plans for resolving critical issues faced by minorities. These issues include forced conversions of minor Christian girls, forced marriages, attacks on Christian settlements like Jaranwala, the misuse of blasphemy laws, and growing religious hatred. He also stressed the need for legislation to protect children and secure property rights for minorities.

He urged voters to question why their issues were not raised in parliament and seek assurances that elected representatives will address these concerns.

Meanwhile, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, Chairman of the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP), outlined his party's 10-point agenda, focusing on economic and social development plans, including doubling salaries in five years, setting up green energy parks, ensuring quality education, providing free health facilities, and addressing housing and employment challenges. However, Dr. Ghouri highlighted that these manifestos, including the PPP's, lack specific plans for addressing the challenges faced by religious minorities in Pakistan.

As political parties gear up for the upcoming elections, the Christian community's leadership urges minority voters to think carefully before casting their votes, considering the apparent disregard for minority issues in party agendas. This call for action reflects a growing sentiment among minority communities for greater political representation and advocacy for their rights and needs in the national political discourse.